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better caregiving through mindfulness

better caregiving through mindfulness

Zen Caregiving Project views the health and well being of caregivers as the foundation of our healthcare system. We know caregiving can be extremely difficult. Drawing on our thirty-five year history of training volunteer caregivers, Mindful Caregiving Education (MCE) was developed to address the underlying emotional challenges faced by family, professional, and clinical caregivers. 

Our courses and programs accomplish this by equipping caregivers with skills to build emotional resilience, reduce anxiety and reduce burnout. Our courses are designed to meet your needs. Mindfulness, compassion, and connection are the core elements of our curriculum. Classes are engaging, restorative, and packed with practical information you can apply immediately to your caregiving. We will support you to thrive in your role as a caregiver. 

our courses & events

“This is the most meaningful training I have done to date.
I am so grateful for an opportunity to really think
about being rather than doing. And this course catapulted me
forward and out of survival mode. Thank you.”

– Course Participant

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other resources

Give yourself the gift of a mindful pause — follow one of our short guided meditations.